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  这是一篇英国留学生论文代写范文:Medieval British parliamentary system,讨论了中世纪的英国议会制度。英国历史上长期存在着法律至上的观念,进入中世纪以来,英国议会和议会制逐渐形成,历经了700多年的历史,演变成为现代社会资本主义代议民主制的重要组成部分。中世纪的英国议会制度模式一脉相承,与同时代的西欧诸国相比,极具鲜明的模式特征。就其模式特征而言,可以说一部近代英国议会政治制度史,即是议会渐进完善、成熟并逐渐取代国王统治国家的历史。
  The concept of"the supremacy of law"has long existed in the British history.Since the middle ages,the British parliament and parliamentary system has gradually formed over 700 years of history and evolved into an important part of modern socialist representative democracy.In the middle ages,the model of the British parliamentary system followed the same pattern.
  The British parliamentary system was born in the middle ages and is known as the"mother of parliament".The British parliamentary system is very profound in content,and its experience or lessons have the shaping power for us to learn from,or learn from.
  The British parliament can be traced back to the anglo-saxons and Normandy.There was a long tradition of democracy and the rule of law in early Anglo-Saxon British society.If you go back to the roots,modern Britain's parliament began with the practice of centralising local representation in early county courts.The later Witan conference was originally an advisory group for the king,with no specific organization.To some extent,however,the wise men's council began to have the tradition of people from all walks of life in Britain.William the duke of Normandy conquered England in the 11th century.After that,the Norman Kings,on the basis of inheriting Anglo-Saxon customs and practices,transplanted the Normandy traditional way of governing the country to England,among which the most important was the"imperial council".Part of this group was the great landowner,and part was the special counsel of the king.The council initially carried out the king's general duties,which were later divided into several departments.During the reign of Henry I,the imperial council had a relatively fixed function,consisting of a small number of bishops,court officials,barons and so on.Its main task was to assist the king in administering local governments,handling major cases and accepting appeals from county and district courts.Later,Henry ii appointed five of them to form a fixed-site court to hear major cases in various regions under the king's guidance,which gradually evolved into the"throne court",a grand conference composed of representatives from various states and the king and his officials.Later,the assembly in Westminster turned into a kind of national legislature.This actually became the origin of modern British parliamentary system.
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