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  这是一篇留学生法律专业论文代写范文节选:巴基斯坦和爱尔兰对女性性犯罪的法律Laws Sex Crimes Women In Pakistan And Ireland。在这篇文章中,爱尔兰(爱尔兰)和巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国的有关妇女的性犯罪法[1]中描述并参照比较每个可用的最新评论。

  DueEssay是一家专业论文代写机构,业务包括:Essay代写、report代写,assignment代写、网课代修、quiz代考、final、midterm、论文润色、Cover letter、Personal statement。国家范围包括:美国、加拿大、英国、澳洲、新加坡等热门留学国家
  Sexual crimes against women are prohibited and attract criminal penalties in all countries;however,there is considerable variation in the laws promulgated by different nations,often based on longstanding legal and cultural traditions,but sometimes on relatively recent political developments.In this article,laws relating to sex crimes against women in Ireland(Eire)and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan[1]are described and compared with reference to the most recent available commentaries on each.The descriptions and comparisons of laws are preceded by short sketches of the two countries,their recent political histories and legal traditions.
  Ireland is an island nation in north-western Europe with an estimated population of 4,203,000 in 2009(Central Intelligence Agency 2009a).Ireland was long regarded as the poorest nation in western Europe(Encyclopaedia Britannica 2009),but considerable economic restructuring beginning in the 1980s resulted in the country being ranked 5th out of 177 on the Human Development Index by 2005(United Nations Development Programme 2009).Ireland is a secular nation with a strong Christian tradition:87.4%of Irish citizens described themselves as Roman Catholic in the 2006 census(Central Intelligence Agency 2009a).
  The next sections contain brief descriptions of Ireland’s recent political history and the history of its legal system as background to a summation of its current laws relating to rape and sexual assault against women.
  Political history
  Until recently,Irish history was very heavily dominated by Ireland's legacy of English invasion and oppression,which began in the 12th century and developed into political absorption in the early 19th century(Central Intelligence Agency 2009a).In 1801,the Irish Parliament was abolished and Ireland became an integral part of a new United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland under the Act of Union.Irish dissatisfaction with this state of affairs never eased,and instead grew and turned into unrest.In the early 20th century,several years of guerrilla warfare ended in independence from the UK for 26 southern counties(the Irish Free State)in 1922.The remaining six counties(Northern Ireland)chose to remain part of the United Kingdom,setting the scene for hostilities between the Irish Republican Army and the UK,and between Northern Ireland's Catholics and Protestants,which lasted until the Good Friday Agreement in 1998(Northern Ireland Office 2009).In 1949,Ireland withdrew from the British Commonwealth;it joined the European Community in 1973(Central Intelligence Agency 2009a).
  Legal tradition
  Thank to its history of domination by England and Great Britain,Ireland's legal tradition is that of English Law and common law:statutory law derives from Acts of Parliament,regulatory law is developed by executive authorities based on statutes,and common law relies upon precedents in decisions made by courts.
  As Ireland is a Member State of the EU,Irish citizens are also subject to European Law as set out in treaties which must be agreed and ratified by the Member States.The Irish Constitution requires that the people of Ireland must agree in a referendum to incorporate a new EU treaty into the law in Ireland(Citizens Information Board 2008,European Laws).Membership of the EU has had some effect on laws relating to sexual crime-for instance,the ruling of the European Court in Norris v.Ireland forced the decriminalisation of homosexuality in 1993(the Criminal Law(Sexual Offences)Act 1993-Office of the Attorney General of Ireland 2009).

  • EG1hao

