下面为大家整理一篇优秀的Essay代写范文-Aboriginal Australian visual culture供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了澳洲原住民视觉文化。视觉文化一般是指一系列的视觉图像传达的信息,通过各种绘画等视觉技术意义和情感。视觉文化在古代更多的是关于绘画和雕刻。澳洲原住民视觉文化是澳洲原住民创造的一系列文化影像,记录他们的日常生活,环境的变迁,以及他们的宗教信仰。通过视觉文化,我们可以更好地了解他们生活中的变化。

I think that aboriginal Australian visual culture is a range of cultural images created by aboriginal Australian to record their daily life,the change of their environment and their religion named dreamtime.Rock art is an important part of their visual culture.There are different kinds of rock imagery for different cultural expression,such as X-ray imagery and bark imagery.The X-ray art is a form of painting with anatomical features(Patel,35),which shows the aboriginal Australians’interest in science.Visual culture is also a direct reflection of new changes in aboriginal Australians’life.For example,contact rock art records their contact with the outside world.New objects like ships and knives were painted on rocks when the natives had contact with the new arrivals.Through the rock art,we can have a better understanding of the changes in their lives.
Visual culture in general refers to a series of visual images conveying information,meaning and emotion through various visual technologies such as paintings(Mirzoeff,3).Visual culture in the ancient times is more about paintings and engravings,while in the modern times,visual culture has new forms like television and movies.
Mirzoeff,Nicholas.“What is Visual Culture?”
Patel,Samir.“Reading the rocks:Aboriginal Australia’s Painted History.”Archaeology.2011.pp.32-38.
Comment on Alissa B Essign
Excellent work!I like your writing about the origin and of aboriginal Australian visual culture the role of visual culture in their daily life.I totally agree with you that visual culture reflects aboriginal Australians’life and their beliefs.The visual art they create is based on what they feel and what they believe.