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  本文是一篇留学论文代写范文:巴基斯坦的情况和补救措施回顾Situation In Pakistan And Remedial Steps Review主要讲述了巴基斯坦的基本情况和其相应的补救措施的回顾介绍。必须发起一个项目,有助于巴基斯坦人民以一个大的方式来解决他们的危机。
  The purpose of this letter is to call upon the best of the society in terms of character and abilities to combine their energies and drive the nation out at the quagmire of meaningless war,rampant corruption and the clutches of dishonest&directionless leadership it is so badly so caght up in.Its evident from a deep study at of Quran and history that whenever nations are caught up in such dark times the conscienscious among the nation should get up to realize their duty of giving direction to the nation in deed and word.As the saying goes,"when the going gets tough,the toughs get going".
  Since the correct diagnosis is essential for prompt cure lets get the diagnoses at the present plight of ours.Its obvious that single most comprehensive word to describe the present situation is"the great unrest".The most important single factor forming a civilized society is the level of safety provided to innocent life,honour and property.Without the necessary level of safety one cannot concentrate abilities to construct one's mind and character simply because of the psychology of fear and over-engaging tedious struggle for mere survival.At present our society is inflicted heavily with the psychology of fear and uncertainty.Suicide attacks and planted bomb blasts along with news of drone attacks by the foreign forces within our territory killing innumerous lives every day has put unbearably negative impact on the National psyche.This horrible state of affairs is the result of many factors,the most important of which are these.
  Educational Failure:Our inability to give top priority to education.By education I mean the comprehensive deeply thought out work to build the minds and character of our people to the highest possible level irrespective of their financial and ethnic backgrounds.It needs no explanations that the nation which is effectively educated,and by effective i mean the education which not only helps man how to earn but also make him know himself and building himself morally,such nation successfully tackles the problems posed to her from outside or within her jurisdiction including the natural calamities falling on her.If a nation is week within i.e.,her individuals are not properly educated and its moral fabric is being eaten up such nations are an easy prey to the oppressors whether with in the nation or outside.
  It seems that most of the organisations claiming to be representing Allah's messages put much more emphasis on revealing the evil designes of the outside oppressers than to concentrate curing for the moral and intellectual desease inflicting the Nation.In no way i am negating the importance of keeping and an eye on the enemy's designs and to take necessary action for effectively counting them incuding the public awareness compaign.But what I'm trying to highlight is the amount of time and energies given to this excersie as compared to the much more important work of reconstructing the nation effectively.Even the set of activities which are propounded by them for building nation that can hardly be taken as effective tools when put to light of Quran Sunnah and aligned facts of humanities.

  • EG1hao

