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  多年来一直为了性别平等而努力着。社会缓慢地改变了他们以前的看法,即女性与男性在各种公共和私人公司曾是男性主导的领域。由于各种民权组织,女性在工作场所的地位提高了,不仅在发达国家,而且在发展中国家,能看到这个现象很好。“在美国由于第七条的制定,女性的工资收入增加了220亿美元,超过四百万人在更高的工作类别中就业”(Raymond F.Gregory,2003).
  Over the years there has been great effort made with respect to gender equality.Societies have slowly but changed their views on women working alongside men in various public and private companies which had been a male dominated territory previously.Due to various civil rights organizations,women's role in the work place has increased and that is not only in developed countries but also in developing countries which is good to see."In America due to the enactment of title VII,the wage income of women has increased by$22billion and more than four million were working in higher job categories"(Raymond F.Gregory,2003).
  Although there has been a major improvement with respect to the working conditions for women,there is still need further improvements if we have fair and equal gender equality.Employment discrimination against women still exists in the work place.In the United States women occupy 40%of all manager positions.Only 6%of the fortune 500's top executives are female and just 2%of those firms have women CEOs(Alice H.Eagly and Linda L.Carli,September 2007).Let's look at an example of an American insurance company called Reserve Life Insurance Company in Ft.Lauderdale.The regional manager of this company once said that"we can't have women in management because women are like Jews and niggers;they hire like themselves and the trouble with that is that when they leave they take(the workers they hired)with them"(Raymond F.Gregory,2003).Real life examples like these and many experience results from various magazines tell us that gender discrimination still exists especially when it comes to choose the CEO of a company or higher position in a company which need to be decide immediately.So the question is why are women discriminated against?What might be the possible reasons?
  First of all there seems to be discriminate against women,it means men are promoted more quickly than women with equivalent qualifications and experience.There is also a lot of resistance to female leadership because people think that successful female managers are more pushy and selfish compared to successful male managers.On the other hand,there is also a problem of leadership style.Many leading females like to struggle to strike a balance,it means women have a nature of showing compassion to others,as a leader need to be confident and in control of their emotions and surroundings.One last major reason why women might be discriminated against in the work place is that of family demands.Women interrupt their careers to start a family,hence juggle work with family.This does not give them time to join the social network process which is essential to advancement(Alice H.Eagly and Linda L.Carli,September 2007).A study published in the Harvard business review in 1965 reported that more than 32%of respondents believe that a woman's biological makeup makes them unsuitable for manager or CEO roles.In this study respondents considered a good manager to possess so called masculine traits which is another reason why women are often discriminated in climbing up the hierarchy of a company(A.Nichols and Rosabeth Moss Kanter,1996).Now let's look at the steps companies can take to help its female employees have equal opportunity with men to reach its highest positions.

  • EG1hao

