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  会计学是一种自然科学-Is Accounting Is A Physical Science
  Accounting theories and practice has been develops and evolves over the years as a result from the changing in business interaction carried by dynamic human civilization.As an early history of accounting discipline which being said was born from the practice,accounting is seems significantly influenced by the people who created and practices the accounting.However,many accountants and accounting scholars believe that accounting is a technical value free subject as accounting has been used as tools to communicate the economic transactions into useful information in helping people in organization to make a decision.Therefore,accounting is treated as separate technical subject from the people who involves in practicing it and then,theories are being developed by observing these interactions to interpret the accounting and the people's behavior towards accounting.This underlying assumption has being carried by the positivist view in defining what is accounting all about.Hence,the positivist view about accounting as value free knowledge has been reflected in their accounting theories where they believe in understanding about accounting can be achieved through scientific methodology(Watt&Zimmerman,1990).On the other hand,Sterling(1979)specifically argued that accounting is a science similar like a physical science as it employs the relevance and empirical testability research criteria and thus can be classified in natural science discipline.
  From the long years ago,the major research in accounting has been dominant by the positivist scholars who believe in accounting as a scientific knowledge.Watt and Zimmerman(1990)contribute significantly on the development of positive accounting theory and later many studies are referring to the positive accounting theory in conducting research in interpreting the accounting practices.However,there are others school of thoughts that conceptualizing the accounting in different approaches which contradict to the positivist paradigm.The development of alternative accounting theories as mentioned in Gaffikin(2006)as critique towards positive accounting theories has promote different view of accounting where accounting is not a scientific subject like a physical science,rather it classify into a social science knowledge because accounting is concerned with the human behavior and social interaction.

  • EG1hao

