英国当代文学课程作业代写:Elie Wiesel自传“夜晚”读后感。本文来自来客户委托本站代写论文的原始需求,Essay,Assignment等论文成稿,替客户保密起见不能公布,望谅解。
"The night"is the Nobel peace prize winner Elie Wiesel's autobiography,tells the story of his experiences in Auschwitz.“夜晚”是诺贝尔和平奖获得者Elie Wiesel的自传,讲述了他在奥斯威辛集中营的经历。
"The night"is a 15-year-old teenager Auschwitz memories.In April 1944,a Jewish boy Elie Wiesel was taken to a concentration camp,there through the darkest one year before the end of the Nazi.Elie and two sisters alive,father,mother,and sister died in a concentration camp.Two months after his father's death,the United States army arrived,camps liberated.Someone only after Auschwitz knows what Auschwitz.Others will never know.Forgotten means danger and insult.Forget the dead is equivalent to killing them again.“夜晚”是一名15岁的小将奥斯威辛的回忆。1944年4月,一名犹太男孩Elie Wiesel被带到一个集中营,在那里通过纳粹结束前最黑暗的一年。Elie和两个姐妹活着,父亲,母亲和妹妹在集中营中死亡。父亲去世两个月后,美国军队抵达,营地解放了。只有在奥斯威辛知道奥斯维辛集中营之后才会有人。其他人永远不会知道。被遗忘意味着危险和侮辱。忘记死者相当于再次杀死他们。
In the process of the survive,the author is the hunt for the bread rather than families.The worse the world,the more the human anxieties will be driven to seek to heal.The social structure remains the same.However,life is still in flood;good healing results will follow the tide of life tease attenuation,better methods of healing eventually will become your life,just like you in my life for the treatment of growth.在生存的过程中,作者是寻找面包而不是家庭。世界越糟糕,人类的焦虑就会越多,以寻求治愈。社会结构保持不变。然而,生活依然充满洪水;良好的治疗效果会跟着生命的潮流挑逗衰弱,更好的治愈方法最终会成为你的生命,就像你在我的生命中为治疗成长一样。
The Jews were able to do so,in part,because of the Nazi massacre.It's a chance to look at it as history.My lack of historical perspective is more likely to believe that history has its inevitability.The apathy of the nation comes from the cruelty of the state machinery.This kind of ruthlessness has made the country a freezer,even if you live in the cold room of happiness.An indifferent nation has a history of indifference.Jews are different,and also in the diaspora,they have"a single attack on Jews everywhere means an attempt to humiliate all Jews."The source of our strength is history,not geography."So,"when a Jew is suffering,he experiences more than one individual.Even in our times,our grief is rooted in earlier tragedies.