
虽然使用令人震惊的广告是一个不断增长的现象,这种广告的有效性的结果仍然是混合。此外,很少考虑使用这些策略在不同的组织环境和消费者的影响。采用了一种定性的方法,包括使用的焦点小组,探索一系列的个人的态度和情绪反应。从NFP与FP组织令人震惊的图像被视为成功的抓住观众的注意力。有些图像更为“令人震惊”,而有些则更有效地提请注意的产品或原因。重要的是,冲击广告的使用被认为是正当的但在NFP部门在计生部门少了很多。反应有一定的宗教和性别的影响,但是,它是明显的,这个样本本质上更接受冲击广告比预期的。尽管今天的青年突击战术明显的免疫力,这项研究发现,还有在FP和NFP部门认为不合适的主题;这些包括宗教禁忌使用或令人讨厌的形象。This study compares the reactions towards shock advertising in for-profit(FP)and not-for-profit(NFP)organizations.Although the use of shocking advertisements is a growing phenomenon,the findings regarding the effectiveness of such advertisements remain mixed.Moreover,there is little consideration of the use of these tactics in different organizational contexts and the effect on the consumer.A qualitative methodology was adopted and included the use of focus groups to explore the attitudes and emotional reactions of a range of individuals.The shocking images from both the NFP and FP organizations were deemed successful at capturing the audience’s attention.Some images were more‘shocking’than others,whereas some were more effective at drawing attention to the product or the cause.Importantly,the use of shock advertising was perceived to be justifiable in the NFP sector but much less so in the FP sector.Reactions were somewhat influenced by both religion and gender;however,it was apparent that this sample were inherently more accepting of shock advertising than expected.Despite the apparent immunity of today’s youth to shock tactics,this study found that there are still themes that are considered inappropriate in FP and NFP sectors;these include the use of religious taboos or morally offensive images.Copyright.2013 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.
This study compares consumer reactions towards shock advertising in the for-profit(FP)and not-for-profit(NFP)sectors in the UK and develops knowledge of shock advertising by exploring differences in consumer perception and use of this advertising method in two different types of organizational contexts.This research area is growing(Prendergast et al.,2002;Fam and Waller,2003;Chan et al.,2007;Fam et al.,2008)with some studies investigating culture differences and geographic regions in response to shock advertisements(Prendergast et al.,2002;Prendergast and Huang,2003).Other studies have explored the reactions to either a single private sector campaign(Lightfoot et al.,2006)or a set of public sector announcements(Dahl et al.,2003)or have sought to measure the effect of a particular appeal such as sex(Giebelhausen and Novak,2012).Such research findings at present remain somewhat inconclusive.This study seeks to build on previous work in this area by examining the differences in consumer reaction in respect of FP and NFP sector advertisements that use shock tactics as their main method of stimuli.In doing this,the study also takes into account the effects of gender,religion and nationality of the participants.In particular,there is a paucity of research in the NFP sector concerning assessment of an individual’s response to a range of shock advertisements.This study therefore makes a useful contribution to developing theories related to non-profit marketing and cause-related marketing(Varadarajan and Menon,1988;Polonsky and Macdonald,2000).This paper is structured as follows:first,previous research on shock advertising in both the FP and NFP sectors is outlined,then the qualitative research methodology and use*Correspondence to:Dr.Sara Parry,Bangor Business School,Bangor University,Gwynedd,LL57 2DG,UK.E-mail:s.parry bangor.ac.uk of focus groups is described.From here,the findings are presented and discussed.Particular attention is paid to whether any differences are found between reactions to shock advertisements in the FP and NFP sectors,and any differences in attitudes among the cultural characteristics of the participants.Finally recommendations are outlined with the aim of guiding both sectors in the design and use of shock advertising in future campaigns.Limitations of the study are also considered.