This commercial talked about the back of crispy of M&M to their fans. In an open office area, a yellow M&M was sitting behind the table and talking sentences by holding a package of M&M. The yellow M&M said “Crispy M&M are back” to a fan on the table in vey slow voice and he seemed very happy and exciting when he pronounced the words (Appendix 1). Then a red one came and asked what he was doing to a fan and was responded to tell M&M’s fans that crispy are back (Appendix 2). Red M&M said it could not be the fan on the table, and yellow M&M pointed to the fan on the ceiling instead and repeated the sentence (Appendix 3 &4). Finally red M&M ignored him and a slogan came out with “So cool and they are back” (Appendix 5).
Based on the materials in this commercial, it anthropomorphized the brand of M&M to represent both perspectives of brand and fans. Therefore, it could delivery the settled information to audiences. The yellow M&M represented fans to announce the back of crispy M&M with true and exciting feelings. The red M&M represented to announce the real information that the brand would like to delivery. The interaction between them was funny and easily understood by audiences.
In the post-purchase process, I would expect customers to be satisfied with crispy M&M. The first reason is M&M is always regarded as one of the most poplar food brands in the market and it sells billions of dollars each year (Meyer, et, al, 2008). It refers to the frequent purchases from customers. In order to achieve customers’ satisfaction, M&M conducts much effort. With repeat broadcasting this commercial in different channels, committed customers would be aware the information. Meanwhile, they could repeat purchases or purchase many packages once to response to the video. Therefore, the purchase could increase sharply after launching this commercial. With the “come back” of crispy M&M, targeted customers could have low willing to switch brand especially. With discontinued purchase, it also reflects customers’ satisfaction to M&M.