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我们首先需要明确一点,即一篇高分Essay是围绕提出的论点展开的。所提出的论点是对所要论述问题的见解和看法,并且你的论点需要借鉴其他人发表的学术理论来支持。 论点必须具有清晰,合乎逻辑,结构条理,告诉读者你将主张什么以及如何构建你的论点。需要有大量的学术资料作为论据。通过参考文献支持论点。
学生在确定理解问题的要求后,写作论文总共只有两步,即1. 确定论点,2. 论文写作。
1. 确定论点
1). Brainstorm头脑风暴
2). literature review 阅读文献资料
3). Develop the thesis确定论点
和中式思维喜欢概括和文学化不同,英式思维推崇Critical Thinking批判性思维,也就是讨论要大于叙述,很多教授会给低分论文留下“过于描述性”或者“不够批判性分析”的评语,可见批判性思维的重要。在你的论文里不能只描述现状,要融入更多的“学术辩论性观点”去提出质疑,例如可以就论据、概念、方法学、标准、背景因素等加以诠释和分析,推理和解释。在写作中,你要表明你有能力权衡不同的论点和观点,并使用证据来帮你形成自己的论点。
2. 论文写作
1). Outline写作论文大纲
• Introduction 
Introduction部分主要的内容是整个essay topic的背景、主要几个关键词的解释以及你的一个主要观点。同时introduction部分也会简要介绍下你整个文章的结构。
• Main body 
Main body部分主要就是文章主要观点介绍与讨论的部分,在main body部分,有以下需要注意的几个问题:
• Break the main point into pieces,main body部分如果你有几个主要的论点的话,记得要把他们分成不同的段落去讨论。每个段落要集中讨论一个point。
• State every issue relate to the main point and Make sure all the points are covered 要做到你的论点全部都提到,并且main point的讨论要尽量做到critical
• The main argument is clearly identified and personal opinion and explanations are evidently presented 在介绍观点的时候要观点清晰,并且evidence必须要提供。
• Conclusion
结论部分主要就是对于整个essay的main points的总结以及升华。
2). Write your essay下笔成文
3). Referencing文献整理
4). Check your spelling and grammar检查遣词造句
A Contents table helps set the context for the reader and allows them to easily locate key sections for reading or re-reading. Use the heading ‘Contents’ rather than ‘Table of Contents’ as this is the modern and more commonly accepted publishing convention.
Ensure that each heading number, heading and page number are included and professionally laid out. The easiest and most professional way to achieve this is to use the Word feature that automatically creates a Contents table for you. See your MySCU Blackboard learning site for a YouTube tutorial.
Executive Summary
Remember that an Executive Summary of a report is just that, a summary. It contains a statement of report purpose and an overview of the actual and specific findings.
Generally, it should be no longer than one page and counts towards the word limit of your report. The Executive Summary can only be written after you have completed your report. Write in past tense (e.g. The purpose of this report was to …). If an Executive Summary is well written the reader should be able to understand the main points, findings, and conclusions of the actual report without having to read the full report.
1.0 Introduction (250 words approximately)
Introduction to the report, indicate what you will be talking about and in what order.

2.0 Overview of [Insert Organisation Name Here] and Internship Placement (650 words approximately)

2.1 Organisational Background (add sub-headings as appropriate)
Include name of organisation and dates of placement Present a brief overview of your organisation including its vision, core business and major target markets (use your own words – do not cut and paste from the Internet or company documents and ensure you accurately acknowledge all sources of information through correct referencing technique).
Describe the organisational structure and its impact on productivity. What changes (if any) would you recommend?
Use the content of Chapter 11 (Robbins et al. 2010) of your textbook, online Study Guide and related Reflective Journal entries to inform your description.
How would you characterise your company’s organisational culture and what impact does this have on staff morale and job satisfaction? Use Chapter 11
(Robbins et al. 20010) of your textbook and related Reflective Journal entries to inform your discussion.

2.2 Roles and Responsibilities During Internship Placement Brief outline of what you did during your placement. (A position description
may be attached as an appendix.)
3.0 Management Skills and Qualities Required in [Insert Industry Sector Name Here] Industry (500 words approximately)
Based on your placement experience and observations, what management skills and qualities do you believe are important for success in a career in the
professional field associated with your placement? (Explain why you believe these skills/qualities are important and you MUST link this discussion to relevant

4.0 Personal Impact and Reflection (at least 1500 words)
In this section, you are required to provide insights into your professional growth as a result of your placement experiences and course. Considering your
experiences and expectations from your placement, critically self-reflect on how this course and placement have impacted on your learning and future career
aspirations. Incorporate relevant sections of your Reflective Journal and use the following as a guide to structure your reflections:

4.1 The Role of Values, Beliefs and Assumptions
To what extent and how or why did you change or reassess your values, beliefs and assumptions during the course of your Internship?

4.2 Examining Political, Cultural and Social Realities
To what extent did issues of power and politics; cultural realities; and social realities impact on your placement experiences and learning? Link your
discussions to relevant theory.

4.3 My Most Valuable Lessons
What were your most valuable learning experiences in the domains of Knowledge; Self; and World? How has your learning impacted on your future
career goals and plans?

4.4 Recommendations for Course and Internship Program What recommendations can you make for the course and/or Internship

5.0 Conclusion (100 words approximately)
Conclude and summarise the report.

  • EG1hao

