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  在上世纪80年代,全球化从许多方面给企业和国家创造以前未开发的或无法访问的财富机会。这种“急于全球化的影响在国际商务上是一个爆炸性的增长”Bloch(1998引Ball和McCulloch 1996,第13页)。全球化通过贸易和投资自由化为企业提供更多的市场机会。此外,国际贸易使企业能够利用一个国家作为资产的资源优势。然而,对积极参与全球化的国家来说,带来的好处是新的风险和挑战。本文件解释了市场全球化、生产全球化、比较优势、贸易壁垒和投资壁垒,以及作为国际贸易的主要驱动力。在文献中进一步阐述了全球化对国际贸易的经济、环境、政治和社会影响。它还侧重于国际贸易的优势和劣势,并通过各种例子和教训,强调这些概念。
  An overview and study of globalization
  In the 1980s,globalization was praised from many quarters as offering firms and countries a wealth of opportunities that had previously been unexploited or inaccessible.The impact of this"rush to globalization has been an explosive growth in international business"Bloch(1998 cited Ball and McCulloch 1996,p.13).Globalization has provided businesses with more market opportunities by liberalizing trade and capital investment.Moreover,international business allows businesses to take advantages of the resources that a country has as an asset.However,for countries that are actively engaged in globalization,the benefits come with new risks and challenges.This document explains the globalization of markets,globalization of production,comparative advantage,the falling trade barriers and investment,and territorial competitiveness as the main drivers for international trade.The economical,environmental,political and social impacts of globalization on international business have been further elaborated in the literature.It also focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of international trade and in addition highlights these concepts through various examples and lessons.
  "Time has ceased,'space'has vanished.We now live in a global village|a simultaneous happening."-McLuhan
  In this new era,the effects of internationalization now known as globalization are everywhere apparent.This has played a major role in sustaining the economic expansion of the global economy in the second half of the 20thcentury.
  Globalization is seemingly shrinking the planet as barriers to trade are dismantled,transport and communications costs fall,and global production systems are formed and managed by giant multinational corporations.Globalization can be defined as the ongoing economic,technological,social,and political integration of the world that began after the Second World War.
  There are several dimensions to this dynamic process,including the increased internationalization of economic markets as reflected,for example,in trade and financial capital flows.The primary objective of this paper is to present a conceptual framework for strategic management of human resources as a response to the growing interaction of globalization and business performance.
  There has been a rapid integration of the world economy through increased trade and investment,which has been fueled by new technologies,the spread of information and the knowledge based industries.

  • EG1hao

