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  Impact Of Culture On International Hospitality Business Tourism Essay
  With the changing environment and stepping into the new centuries made all industries to change itself,especially when it comes to hospitality industry.First of all,hospitality is a major and diverse industry around the world.And business in today's world is not a constant one which stands there in the market forever.It changes according to different causes like time,trend of the market,customer expectations and also includes culture.A fine definition of culture is,"Culture refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge,experience,beliefs,values,attitudes,meanings,hierarchies,religion,notions of time,roles,and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving."(Hofstede,1997).
  Culture plays a major role in any kind of business that exists in the market.Especially when it comes to the international hospitality business,culture is a serious fact to consider in order to survive in the market.Culture exists and differs from place to place and time to time.And some cultures already spread way beyond their boundaries and reached their new destinations.Cultures rage battles among themselves to survive.So the key factor in order to run a successful hospitality business or any kind of business is to understand the different cultures.
  Culture acts different in different places.For example managing a culture in a work environment is different when looking at the customer's point of view.It is a tactful theory for managers to handle it in any kind of organizations.In today's world it is really hard to find a place where there is no existence of more than one culture.Today's world is mixed with different cultures which makes more difficult for the managers in order to handle the business.Let us discus in brief about international hospitality business before we look deep into the culture.Hospitality is a service industry which is very important for every nation in the world.A fine definition of international hospitality business is,"When a domestic hospitality company establishes a new business in a foreign market,this company is said to be engaging in international business.International business is defined as a business transaction taking place between two or more companies from different countries.These transactions can be in trade,manufacturing,investments or services."(Yu,1999).
  A very important fact is that the hospitality as well as the tourism industry is service industry,but they do differ from each other.Hospitality industry is more based on food,accommodation,communication and customer service where tourism industry is based on travel and destinations.
  When it comes to the culture mix with the hospitality industry,it always ends in a disaster business if there is no proper management to take care of it.Hospitality as a service industry is mainly focus on customers,where in this industry the customers are from different places which mean different cultures.First fact is that dealing with different kinds of customers from different cultural background is very difficult under one roof.The second fact is that establishing a new hospitality business in a new destination could be more difficult to handle.For example if a company from Japan establish its hotel in New York,the managers must understand the cultural trend of New York in order to run the business.They cannot implement all their Japanese knowledge and policies into the business immediately.They must understand the people who live and travel there to have a successful business."For international companies,research shows that often companies successful in their home countries have failed in foreign markets not because of technical incompetence but because of aÂlack of knowledge and understanding of a foreign market culture."(Jia,2010).That research proves that the culture could influence the business in many ways.

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