通用汽车公司简称为GM,是美国的汽车制造商。公司总部在Detroit,Michigan。通用汽车(General Motors)于1908在Flint,Michigan成立,那时仅仅是别克汽车的控股公司,由威廉杜兰特管理。之后的一年内拿下了奥兹莫比尔牌汽车的额外股份。第二年威廉杜兰特引进了爱尔摩、凯迪拉克、奥克兰和许多其他品牌的汽车。在同一年,通用汽车(General Motors)收购信实载货汽车公司和机动车公司,这些都是GMC卡车公司的前身。在1910年,杜兰特失去了在通用汽车公司的职位,由于收购成立新公司的原因,欠了银行一笔巨额,然而却在新汽车市场上市后新成立的公司又倒闭了。多年之后,杜兰特开始发展雪佛兰汽车业务。通过该企业,他私下购买了GM公司的控股股份。因此,又重新恢复了杜兰特对通用汽车的控制权。之后重组公司并更名为通用汽车企业。(通用汽车公司,1916年)。此后不久,他永远失去了对企业股份的控制,新汽车市场紧接着也完全崩溃。阿尔弗雷德·斯隆随后被选为掌控公司的领导人。
General Motors Company,commonly referred to as GM,is an American based automaker.The firm has its headquarters in Detroit,Michigan.Originally,General Motors was established in 1908,in Flint,Michigan.Then it was a mere holding firm for Buick,which was under management by William Durant.Later that very year it acquired Oldsmobile additional segment.The following year William Durant brought in Elmore,Cadillac,Oakland and many others.Simultaneously,General Motors did acquire Reliance Motor Truck Company and the Rapid Motor Vehicle Company which were the predecessors of GMC Truck.Durant lost man of GM in 1910.A bankers'trust did take over due to huge sum of money owed taken on in its acquisitions compounded by a fall down in new automobile sales.Years later,Durant initiated the Chevrolet car business.Through this enterprise,he clandestinely bought a controlling share in GM.Consequently,Durant regained control of the GM.He then restructured and renamed General Motors Company to General Motors Corporation.(General Motors Company,1916).He lost control shortly thereafter for good,following the collapse of new vehicle market.Alfred Sloan was selected subsequently to control the corporation.He effectively led GM to its post conflict universal supremacy.This record expansion of GM would end in the early 1980s once it hired 349,000 staff and managed 150 assembly machines.Previously,GM led in international sales for 76 uninterrupted years(1931 to 2007),far longer than several other automakers(Strott&Elizabeth,2009).
跨国公司—Multinational Company:
GM is a multinational company.Multinational companies are companies which operate businesses in more than one country.GM has a tremendous global spread.The spread of GM covers 34 countries.This strategy is largely adopted by the GM due to global economy,commonly known as globalization.Globalization is the process whereby culture,societies,economies and values are universally shared across nations among different people with different background and values.It is mainly fueled by the current technological,communication and economic advancement of states.Multinational enterprises are normally controlled centrally.The case at hand,GM,has its headquarters in Detroit.
通用汽车公司的组织结构—General Motor's Organisational Structure:
Organization structure is synonymous to organization model or organization design.Organization structure is defined as a mold of associations between the roles in a business and its diverse parts.Structure of an organization is an integral part of an organization in relation to the size,environment,technology,strategy as well as the culture of the organization.For a maximum achievement of an organisation's performance,truly its structure must match or fit the pace of transformation in its environments.Organization structure permit organization to share up the duty efficiently and give coordination means for ensuring particular job errands hit planned goals.Various structures of organization are in the offing for adoption by companies and they include:linear,hierarchical(traditional organization model),reductionist,controlling,inflexible,uniform and centralized.Among these organization models,General Motors embraced the hierarchical structure(traditional organization design)of organization to manage,control and oversee the welfare of its entire diverse workforce,consumer base,and neighboring communities that encircled the General Motors's factories(Powers,2009).In this arrangement there is a leader leading leaders.In the case of GM,the hierarchical structure adopted was such that the president or chief executive was at the top.Immediately below the president are the vice presidents,also referred to as senior managers.Then there are additional management layers below,and subsequent majority of the human resources on the bottom.It is often associated with bureaucracy and largely considered to be extremely rigid in matters of responsibility.In traditional organization design,the very model early adopted by GM,jobs are categorised by function into varied departments(Jex,2002).General Motor Company was subdivided into various autonomous automakers which included:Pontiac,Cadillac,Buick,Chevrolet,and Oldsmobile and every self-sufficient automaker were operated differently as well as competing with each other.The competition amongst its individual self-regulating automakers along with deficiency of centralization proved quite costly hence called for change!(Taylor,2004).GM therefore transformed its organizational structure.The duly transformed and adopted organizational model which presently is in operation is centralized and cohesive.It is a model of a team against numerous folks functioning towards achieving common goals.Through an altered organizational model,corporations usually are managed in a more efficient way.In fact,a centralized organization structure is a very cost effective mode of running a conglomerate.A changed organizational form does not contain several departments with varied duties(Jex,2002).The structural change was brought by Jack Smith,the General Motors's CEO,who duly noticed a prospect for change.According to Taylor(2004)Smith said"I had the opportunity to really structure the business in the way I thought it should run--Frankly,at the time we weren't like any other auto company in the world".