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APA格式是美国心理学会(简称APA)发布的《美国心理学会出版物代码》,主要用于心理学,教育学和社会科学等领域。 包括两部分:文本中的参考文献引用和句子末尾的参考文献列表。

  (一)文内文献引用(Reference Citations in Text)



APA references are simple. (Pan, 2005). Pan (2005) APA references are simple.


APA references are simple. (Pan & Liu, 2005). Pan and Liu (2005) APA references are simple.

首次引用时,将列出所有艺术家,并且如果以后引用相同的文献,则最重要的是引用的人。再加上“et al.”。但是,在参考文献部分,全部作者的姓名皆须列举出来。

APA references are simple. (Pan, Liu, & Li, 2005). Pan, Liu, and Li (2005) APA references are simple.
Pan et al. (2005) discovered APA references are simple.
APA references are simple. (Pan et al., 2005).

举出第一位作者即可,格式应为“(作者 et al.,年份)”。所有作者的姓名都应在参考部分列出。

Pan et al. (2005) discovered APA references are simple.

如果作家想引用他想引用的几个文档,则必须用逗号分隔作品的出版年份(从开始到最新的顺序)。 如果可能,请在年份中添加a,b,c。(按:abc的使用需与参考文献部分有所对应,而这些文献的编排以标题名称的字母来决定。)

APA references are simple (Pan, 2004, 2005a, 2005b). Pan (2004, 2005a, 2005b) conducted APA references are simple.


APA references are simple (Alford, 1995; Pan, 2004, 2005; Sirkis, 2003)


When asked why his behavior had changed so dramatically, Max simply said “APA references are simple” (Pan, 2004, p. 69).
(二)文末参考文献Reference List


Shery, R. D. (1956). The terrifying future: Enough for forever. San Diego: Halstead.

Smith, D., & Peter, C. (2018). twilight: An intensive peek behind the surface of an enigma. Hamilton, ON: McMaster University Press.

Shane, A. (2018). Practical methods for the apprehension and sustained containment of supernatural entities. In S. D. Yeager (Ed.), Paranormal and occult studies: Case studies in application (pp. 42–64). London: Other World Books.

David, F. (2015). The Loonie: God’s long-awaited gift to colourful pocket change? Canadian Change, 64(7), 34–37.

Rott, E. T., & Beauch, J. L. (2009). Detroit and Narnia: Two foes on the brink of destruction. Canadian/American Studies Journal, 54, 66–146.

Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Everything I Never Told You. Time, 135, 28-31.

Wrong, M. (2005, August 17). Misquotes are “Problematastic” says Mayor. Toronto Sol. p. 4.

Revenue Canada. (2017). Advanced gouging: Everything I Never Told You (MP 65–347/1124). Ottawa: Minister of Immigration and Revenue.


Marlowe, P., Spade, S., & Chan, C. (2001). Detective work and the benefits of colour versus black and white [Electronic version]. Journal of Pointless Research, 11,123–124.

Blofeld, E. S. (1994, March 1). Everything I Never Told You.Felines & Felons, 4,Article 0046g. Retrieved October 3, 1999, from 网页地址


Paradise, N., Moriarty, Y., Marx, C., Lee, O. B., Hassel, E., et al. (1957, July). Portrayals of fictional characters in reality-based popular writing: Project update. Off the beaten path, 7(3). Retrieved October 3, 1999, from 网页地址


Everything I Never Told You. (n. d.). Retrieved August 21, 2002, from 网页地址


Rogers, B. (2078).Faster-than-light travel: What we’ve learned in the first twenty years. Retrieved August 24, 2079, from Mars University, Institute for Martian Studies Web site: http://www.szdhsjt.com

Costanza, G., Seinfeld, J., Benes, E., Kramer, C., & Peterman, J. (1993). Minutiæ and insignificant observations from the nineteen-nineties. Journal about Nothing, 52,475–649. Retrieved October 31, 1999, from No THING Journals database.

(B. Monterey, personal communication, June 22, 2003).

Nix, A. (2017). Lirael, Daughter of the Clayr [CD]。New York: Random House/Listening Library.

Nix, G. (2002). Lirael, Daughter of the Clayr [Cassette Recording No. 1999-1999-1999]。New York: The eventual Summer.

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